Monday, December 10, 2007

Driver Training and Company Budgets

It was very interesting. After writing the blog yesterday, a well known international company contacted us in regard to driver training for their fleet. To make a long story, short, they only had a budget of US$30 per driver, set aside for driver training. Yet one of the reasons they had come to us was because their drivers were having too many accidents.

Fleet owners will happily spend $20,000 - $50,000 on each vehicle, yet won't spend $200 on proper training for the driver of that vehicle. Am I the only one that can't see the logic in that? A properly trained driver, not only reduces the accident and death rates on the roads, but can also saves the company thousands of dollars in maintenance and fuel costs. Driver training is not an expense, it's an investment and should be treated as a priority.

Road crashes are becoming a ‘new health emergency for Africa,’ representing a huge burden on our health systems and an obstacle to our efforts to overcome poverty. Desmond Tutu

1 comment:

drivingschool1 said...

With any form of education, finding the right school is vital. No matter how hard you study and work, if the school is not up to par then you will not be the best you can possibly be. This is true even with driving schools. The best form of advertisement is word of mouth so with this in mind, start your searches by asking around. Recommendations from classmates and friends is a great way to start and can provide some really great insight into which school is right for you.

Driving Schools A to Z