Thursday, January 31, 2008

Stay Informed During Times of Civil Unrest

Dear Friends
We often put our head in the sand when it comes to hearing bad news. It's human nature. We get overloaded with it and just don't want to hear the "bad stuff" anymore. I overheard a group of women yesterday saying how they just couldn't face listening to the news or reading the newspapers anymore. It was just too depressing.

The political unrest in Kenya has gone on for over a month now and people are fed up with not being able to live their normal lives. Many people are frightened and confused, so they have a tendency to "switch off."

However, when you are living in areas of conflict where situations can arise at anytime, it is crucial that you keep informed at all times. You should listen to all news bulletins put out by the local media, read the newspapers, watch the news, call your regional security officer at your local embassy, contact your security company for updates and sign up for security news bulletins. Otherwise, you could easily find yourself caught up in a dangerous situation.

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