Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Refresher Driving Courses Now Available

Glen Edmunds Performance Driving School

It is really important to take “refresher” courses in almost everything we learn, particularly driving skills. Most experts agree that we need to hear something a minimum of 30 times before it becomes integrated into our memory.

When it comes to driving skills, you need to brush up on your driving skills at least every 18 months. Otherwise, it’s easy to slip back into those old negative habits. With this in mind, we have developed a refresher course that will help you brush up on your skills.

Glen Edmunds Performance Driving School is now offering four-hour driving refresher course from 8:30am. – 12:30pm. on specific dates.

It’s all driving! Drivers will be put through an assessment in order to establish which areas they need to work on most. We’ll then offer practical feedback on how to improve their skills and put them through the necessary driving exercises.

During the training, participants are in the car with one of our qualified instructors. We actively discuss how you are driving, and why. Our client's show dramatic improvements after not only being shown what to do correctly, but understanding the reasons why.

At the end of the half day training, we will issue each participant with a Certificate Of Attendance.

Time: 8:30 – 12:30
Venue: Glen Edmunds Performance Driving School, Embakasi
Driving Time: 4 Hours
Classroom Time – None
Minimum Number of Students: 3

Contact us on for further information.

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